Monthly Archives: April 2019
Baccarat Tournament Strategies:

How to win a baccarat tournament part A: general concepts Personally used these strategies today in a $10,000 tournament and…

ONe of my students success stories:

Carlos is one of my Baccarat students who just won $153,000 in one night at the Parq casino and he…

Not a single losing day this year to date: S”0″S & SBac 3-4 days/week playtime

Average session lasts under an hour. Averaging 3-5+ per shoe. What are you waiting for? Because it doesn’t get any…

My pre cognitive theory proven

OMG I really must be in the flow because just 5 Mins after using the word breeze this promo ad…

Both S”0”S & SBac As Navigator approaches

Hello Both S”0”S & SBac are more navigating approaches to the game that will both better aid you in choosing…