Baccarat live seminar Syllabus from the desk of CFC…

Enrolling non-members into our forum as private members…

Use a live workshop setting whereas free private membership is guaranteed based on Ellis either winning or losing them $1,000.00 USD or it’s equal currency value if we end up doing the workshop outside of North America….

1- Do live workshops for $500.00 USD for Non-members & $250.00 USD for private members.

2- Guarantee success either through the table play after session from the live workshop.

3- Or if the session loses then a one year free private membership in the private forum ($1,000 value)… (Ellis doesn’t plan to lose the session).

This offer also applies to already existing private members of Casino Forum Club as well, same deal on their renewal fee’s (If you’re current then you get paid at the workshop table play after session). If the session loses then the private members will get their free annual subscription rate of $250.00 reimbursed to them at the live workshop table play after session.

Either way no one loses, so let’s set up a live workshop everyone, and if we can get a minimum of 10 students or more then we will come to either Las Vegas or if the majority group is closer to another major city in the USA or Canada then we can set up a workshop there as well and do the the table play after session at the local casino of choice by the players who attend the workshop on the day of the workshop.

For international live workshops our fee’s would be double based on foreign exchange rates and travel costs that would need to be arranged, (Minimum 10 or more students attending).

CFC  :good:  :bye:

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One thought on “Baccarat live seminar Syllabus from the desk of CFC…

  1. And don’t forget about Tunica, MS. – centrally located in the U.S. and very convenient. You fly into Memphis where all the casinos have free bus service.

    Several of our members have gone to every seminar I have conducted. Most find it the easiest and quickest way to thoroughly learn the systems, first with a blackboard demonstration and then by practical application in the casinos.

    Tote board reading, table and system selection are very popular seminar subjects. Teaching and learning are much easier and quicker when you actually see it in a live action setting physically done rather than just reading about it, that way the student gets both a theoretical and practical perspective on the teachings for the day.

    Then attendees are offered the option of copying my play in the casinos as well, after I have selected the table, the system and I’m always looking for Exploit situations.- Cash cows!

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