S”0”S & S Bac testimonial aka: Navigator the Game

This is how we can best play the switch when the shoe favours S“0”S.

As Maximillion stated: S “0” S is a strong system in its own right …… But seeing S Bac and playing it out on some newer old shoes , (past 2 weeks ). It is very easy to follow . You really don’t need a SAP count ,(good to have anyway) or a O/R count for that matter …. When you Read the directions or Rules for the switches involved , it’s like a hot knife cutting into cold butter …. I like the results and will be less stressful when playing at table speed …… Max..

3 comments Categories: Main Page

3 thoughts on “S”0”S & S Bac testimonial aka: Navigator the Game

  1. You have to love the Hot Knife …. Its a slow steady cut or build-up of chips ….. Or both…depending on how you look at it …

    The best part is . A person somewhere in the mid-west was banned from a casino . So he took them to court . The casino stated their case against him for being banned …He stated his case against the casino on being biased against winning players . The judge overseeing the whole thing Ruled in favor of the palintiff . The reasons were : Do you ban players who are losing … NO ….. Do you only ban winning players …. YES …… So because of that , the biased was established , and he won his case … The judge stated that the casino can’t ban someone for playing good or has a better unstanding of the game that makes him a better player … And ordered the casino to let him continue playing there …
    Think of the ramifications of this … Eventually no more banning by any casino . Vegas or anywhere in the U.S.
    This all happened about 2 months ago … Its a Beautiful thing ….

  2. I met Ellis & Dean in Vegas and had a great time. We played SOS & SBac and found both systems are conservative and work well in the casino. I feel we can win especially with the zero bet and waiting until we see a a favorable bet in the shoe. I would highly recommend both systems. We all know with the designer shoes it is very hard to win in the casino. Ellis & Dean spent a lot of time explaining everything. I found Ellis & Dean to be great guys and the negative comments I heard have no merit. I also heard something about Leonard Benson and as a long time client he has systems that never worked. He has nothing to do with SOS or SBac.


  3. Re: Other newer players feedback of S”0”S or S Bac, Well that would be up to them, but just for the record we have had zero complaints about the effectiveness of S”0”S from all of our S”0”S Private Membership since it’s inception date going back to April 1st, 2018.

    Which pretty much speaks for itself on the Navigator Game approach S”0”S & S Bac go by.

    But that’s fine you can do your own math and calculate which is better?

    1) To wait and see based on other players success with S”0”S & S Bac.
    2) Get in the game now and see for yourself fist hand.

    Either way there is a cost to you of either potential winnings you could be earning at the tables now or tha actual cost of S”0”S and S Bac plus net earnings you could start winnng straight away…

    Your choice my friends?
    But I have to ask WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???

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