Played this shoe at the Resort World ? Sentosa Casino Singapore last night with Bochup

Played this shoe last night with Bochup and it switched every 20 play block to 4 different games.

1) Hovering zeros (played towards zero not away)

2) S”0”S

3) Repeats

4) SBac


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3 thoughts on “Played this shoe at the Resort World ? Sentosa Casino Singapore last night with Bochup

  1. It was definitely assuring putting a face to a name as I met up with Dean. We had two 1-to-1 coaching session during his time here in Singapore.

    Dean ensured that I got the fundamental concepts right. He was patient with addressing my queries and also made sure I understood each concept before moving on to the next. Getting a good grasp of S”0”S and S Bac Approach was easier than i thought!

    Feeling enlightened and well equipped with the new rules, approach and triggers. We put these theories into practice. I played zero bets in the beginning as Dean made sure I was ready to make money bets.

    We encountered a tough shoe, and I couldn’t possibly stop loss if it wasn’t for Dean and the new rules and strategies that were in placed. Of course the learning doesn’t stop here. I’ll have to keep practicing to get better!

    I’m really glad to have had the coaching session with Dean! He is a brilliant and remarkable coach! Looking forward to seeing him again!

  2. I had a good 3 days of personal coaching from Dean. Really appreciate that he took his time to travel here and spend time personally with me.

    We started the first day reviewing my understanding of SOS and sbac. This helped me to correct some of my misinterpretation of the rules and play approach of SOS and sbac like money management during play and bankroll mgt.

    After that I watched Dean play a few shoes and how he won applying the rules as well as the approach.

    In the last nite which was on a Friday and one of the toughest nite in my casinos because my casino likes to give tough shoes during the weekend, we encounter the above shoe which had the different SOS and sbac plays. A perfect chance to see SOS and sbac being applied. I stick to my discipline and played to a stop win of 4 in about the first 20 plays. But if we had continued, this would have been a 20 plus win using SOS and sbac flat betting.

    However I told Dean that most shoes will exhibit such nice sequence of SOS and sbac plays. Most shoes will exhibit one or two nice sequence of SOS and sbac plays so I prefer to make my 20 units from playing partial 5 shoes hitting +4 stop wins.

    From now onwards, I am going to be discipline and stick to the rules and play approach of SOS and sbac to build my bankroll.

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