Welcome to the forum Mission Statement…

E. Clifton Davis here:

Welcome to the forum! And a particular welcome to Jerry Patterson and BTC students.

I have decided to quit BTC to start my own forum. We will have it fully up and running shortly.

Most of you know me: I’m your teacher here. So what are my credentials?

After retiring from a Math Professorship at SUNY to play Baccarat and BJ, I played Atlantic City full time for 3 years without a single losing day. But, of course, this got me barred from every casino in A.C.

So, I moved on to Vegas. It took another 3 years to get barred from Vegas.

So I moved on to Tunica, the Gulf Coast, the Bahamas, the MN Indian casinos, Foxwood/MoSon, the Canaries. They closed the table on me and my students at Turning Stone, NY after we quickly achieved the biggest win in the casino’s history. The same thing happened at Blackhawk, CO.

Now, I didn’t just one day decide to go to a casino to play hard earned money. I’m not stupid. In fact I possess a 160 clinically tested I.Q. I studied both games on my own table at home for two years full time until I could soundly beat them. I read every book available but found them to be useless. It was obvious to me that these authors had never played a real game in a real casino. The same with on line gambling “experts”! So I wrote my own book.  “NBJ” (New BlackJack) is required employee reading at nearly all U.S. casinos and considered by most experts, including my good friend, Jerry Patterson, God rest, to be the world’s BJ Bible.

I’ve written 12 Baccarat Books and am currently writing my last but my best Baccarat manual titled “The Final Word” that will probably be my Grand Finale! It is a life changing work of art – well, with a little Math thrown in. THAT is what I do best!

E. Clifton Davis.

I’ve written 12 Baccarat Books and am currently writing my last but my best Baccarat manual titled “The Final Word” that will probably be my Grand Finale! It is a life changing work of art – well, with a little Math thrown in. THAT is what I do best!

E. Clifton Davis

The private Baccarat forum here is the support group for “The Final Word” (free shipping) for all manual purchasers:

In reference to my original intent to provide an early bird promo sales campaign for “The Final Word” combined with a supplementarity one year of support through the private membership for $1,000.00 (Book $750.00 + Online Support one year $250.00) as an added incentive to act now we also decided to open up the paid access to all the Private Forum ie: Baccarat, Blackjack, Poker, Roulette & Craps but this offer is only available up until the “The Final Word”  is completed and ready for shipping, which could be sooner than you think, so act now.

For full access to the Private Baccarat Membership only, it’s $750.00 (but if at any time the Private Member would like to purchase “The Final Word” manual as well, then we will allow $250.00 of the $750.00 Private Membership subscription fee to be applied towards the purchase of “The Final Word” manual at it’s current selling price):

There is one major thing that sets me apart from all instructors. I play both games in real casinos for real money, often right along side my students. I have conducted more than 100 public casino exhibitions W/O a single loss. My most notable was $10,000.00 in BJ winnings within a half hour at the Taj without betting over $200.00. Do the Math. Impossible? Well the next day I received the strangest phone call: Jerry Patterson said Ellis, I missed the whole thing – could you please do it again for me and my people? So 2 weeks later I went back to the very same table at the Taj, this time with Jerry and Nancy Patterson standing right behind me along with 240 of Jerry’s players. Yep, $10,000.00 in less than a half hour W/O betting more than $200.00 – a record no one has ever duplicated – not even close. I did it TWICE!

I have two Baccarat students who have hit the 2 million dollar mark in winnings. And a third right at the One Million dollar mark. A note right here to my student: John, the second million is a whole lot easier!

So here are my ground rules:

Look, we are all here for the same purpose – to learn how to beat casinos. It is the casinos who are our enemy – NOT EACH OTHER. I will condone nothing but the fullest respect for and from every member.

So what does my new “The Final Word” Baccarat manual contain? First, full comprehension of NOR – the world’s best approach to regular cards – most US casinos except Vegas.

MDB+ and RSAP – the world’s best approaches to Factory Preshuffled cards – Las Vegas and Asia.

Plus, two clever bonus systems especially designed to get new players winning quickly.

Price? About the same as what the average player loses every day he plays:

$750.00 if you buy before Sep 30th, 2015. $1000.00 after Sep 30th, 2015. This includes membership to the private Bac forum here. Once again, as an added incentive to act now we also decided to open up the paid access to all the Private Forum ie: Baccarat, Blackjack, Poker, Roulette & Craps but this offer is only available up until Sept. 30th, 2015, so act now.

Again, welcome to one and all!

Email: casinoforum.club@gmail.com

3 comments Categories: Main Page

3 thoughts on “Welcome to the forum Mission Statement…

  1. Well Danny, I’ve heard that same story literally thousands of times.
    There is no single system that beats Baccarat consistently.

    And no one has found any other instructor or site that can help you.

    But there are 6 systems that beat virtually any shoe.

    The systems themselves are very easy to learn.

    Then we teach you tote board reading from the perspective of which system to play in the shoe at hand. We also teach you table selection.

    And we teach you conservative but very effective betting.

    From there it is just a question of practice and getting your questions answered.

    The first thing I need to know is where you are playing, do they use regular or factory cards???

    Regular cards originate from 8 sealed decks in boxed card order. Such cards undergo a “card prep” either at the table or in some private casino room.

    Such cards are susceptible to the 5 NOR systems. They are usually highly biased BUT the casino controls how they are biased.

    Factory preshuffled cards originate from a sealed 8 deck numbered bundle direct from the factory. They usually come straight to the table that way.

    Those are susceptible to MDB+, RSAP, and Net Betting. because they are usually artificially random.

    Are you playing “touch” games wherein the players turn over the cards?
    or no touch wherein only the dealer can touch the cards?

    Do you always play the same casino or different casinos?

    How many tables?

    Big Bac or mini?

    Weekdays? Weekends? or both?

    The first thing you want to learn is our short cut method of posting shoes:

    becomes simply:

    P32141111222 (= 20 plays)
    P16213115 (= 20 plays)
    (The last col will usually not total 20)

    We post in cols of 20 plays. This makes it easier to transcribe your shoes accurately.

    I’m sure you have a collection of cards???

    I’d like to see a few of what you would consider typical shoes.

    That way I can get an idea of what you are up against.

    Danny, no matter your 20 years experience, you are still a beginner
    to my way of playing. I suggest you take a vacation from playing until you know what you’re doing and why. It won’t take long.

  2. Hi everyone, I ‘m new to the club and have been playing THE Game of baccarat for almost 2 decades without success. Well some days winning but overall total LOSER! I would like to turn that around and win all that back! Is that doable?

    Spent thousands on so called systems that were useless, This is going to be my final stop in the search for the holy grail of baccarat.

    Is this the one? I’ll make it work this time no matter what and if it doesn’t then I might as well call it quits, for I enjoy the game of baccarat on the weekends after work to relax and unwind.

    It’s just a shame if I discontinue what I have already started for my goal, which is to make a career out of it. I’m open to constructive criticism, advise etc. from who ever is available. thanks everyone!!

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