Tactics vs Execution (Theory vs Practicum) playing our simple S”0″S

Technically I’ve never lost a game on the tactics board.
It is the execution of the tactics that matters.

If your execution is magnificent when you say to somebody that you’re going to play in a certain way as a player you have to be so brave to accept it.

To be able to change your style play based on reading the tote-board is our ultimate goal, it’s not just down to tactics, it’s down to desire and wanting to make it happen.

From a coach that’s what you’re working towards, to have the opportunity to give something to apply and then execute it to perfection.


Played a perfect shoe yesterday and only lost one shoe but still won 7+ total playing S“0”S properly.

It’s really nice to play a stress free game of Baccarat without ever going higher than a 2 bet on my progressions…but with this shoe  I literally won every bet I made.

Players Averages: Very Strong!

Shoe #1 = 100% Player Advantage!

Just posted this classic shoe in the S“0”S private support group.

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One thought on “Tactics vs Execution (Theory vs Practicum) playing our simple S”0″S

  1. Today I played a Perfect S”0”S to a 6+ shoe win with 100% PA (Player Advantage) not a single losing bet just a 3+ unit win with three single 1+ unit bets for a total of 6+….I have added some foot notes to improve accuracy in the shoe posting as stated below:

    I didn’t make my 1st 3 unit bet until I won 2 hands in a row on paper first…

    Try it for yourselves and let me know:
    I have added some foot notes to improve accuracy in the shoe posting as stated below:

    I’ve posted the winning shoe on the S”0″S Private Membership Group…

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