Here is how I get the money.

I use 12 units x my minimum bet as my buy in then I play up to 1 hour  and do a win count.

If I can’t win a minimum of 5 units I stop and re-evaluate the situation that day.

But if I can win more then I continue for another hour.

Just last Saturday I went from a 1 unit bet and took it up to 40 units total winnings within one hour. Then I left the casino.

So I can assure you all that if you are not averaging between 1-40 units in total wins per hour then you need us as your game changers!

What do you have to lose, just one bet but looking at the upside of what do you potentially have to gain.

Anywhere from 1-40 units of winnings per playing hour.

That’s huge!


4 comments Categories: Main Page

4 thoughts on “Here is how I get the money.

  1. And here is how Ellis gets the money!

    First and foremost, after walking into any casino, it is imperative for a Pro to win his first shoe. I want to be playing their money as soon as possible – like Within my first few bets.

    Therefore I do a careful tote board search studying every tote board in the casino. BTW, I never play casinos that only have one table.

    From my home in AR the closest casinos are Tunica, MS. So I frequently play Goldstrike / Horseshoe. The two casinos are connected. So I always have at least 4 tables to choose from. On weekends, usually 6 or 8 but I don’t play on weekends.

    Why not? Casinos make most of their money on weekends. So they have their sharpest, quickest reacting personnel on weekend shifts. Tues, Wed, Thurs you are up against slower reacting dullards. That is when the full time Pros play. I stopped playing weekends way back in 1988. I kept complete, dated daily records. 3 years of records indicated I did best on Tues, Wed and Thurs. Also, playing every day makes YOU a dullard too. And, when you are only playing 3 days a week you can get more shoes in per day. I often played as many as 20 shoes per day. My goal is +20 but if I hit 20 before play 40, I go for +30.

    But the proof was: Once I cut down to 3 days a week I went 3 years W/O a single losing day. Ha, but the casinos noticed that too. I was the most notorious player in Atlantic City. My 8×10 glossy was posted in EVERY dealer coffee room in A.C. Probably still is. I sat down at one table and the dealer immediately burst into tears. Good grief! But after 3 years W/O a losing day the boss of The Claridge called me into his office and barred me from every Casino in A.C.

    Not to worry! They don’t bar winning Bac players these days.

    So I moved my play to Vegas. Got barred everywhere within 3 years. The Flamingo records show that I have not had a losing day in any of their 40 casinos in the last 20 years. Actually my winning streak was much longer than that but their records only go back 20 years.

    So a few years ago I went back to A.C. after not being there for 15 years.

    I had a guy with me who ran an internet site that was trying to prove me a phony. And trying to prove I never got barred from A.C.

    We walked into a casino from the boardwalk.. I saw nothing I liked on the floor so we walked into their empty high stakes room. Empty except for one Bac dealer.

    Before we got sat down the Pit Boss walked over and said to me, “Hi Ellis – Do you still live in Saratoga?” “No, I moved to Arkansas.” “Well I’ll let you play since my pit is empty and you’ll probably draw more players.” I couldn’t believe it – not after 15 years. He even remembered where I lived!

    So we started a new shoe. I won six shoes in a row to a 26% avg Player Advantage. I’m sure that is a world record for 6 shoes. My “friend” posted the whole thing on his forum and also that he won $1500 back betting on me. He changed his tune about me and said I was a gifted player. Can’t remember his name or his site but somebody here will remember. I’m sure his posts are still up. But enough for war stories – back to casing the joint.

    What am I looking for on the tote boards? FIRST, high streak! Because those are the easiest tables to beat AND the highest scoring.

    If I don’t find any I look for the choppiest table. There is nearly always one or the other.

    But if not, next I look for high 2s. I’m looking for a good OTB4L table – good enough to bet The Plow – Basing at 2, bet U1D2 (Up 1 when you lose and down 2 when you win except don’t go below 2).

    See, your object when betting a progression is to get back to your base bet. When you go down 2 on a win you get back to your base bet twice as fast as you got away from it.

    Why The Plow? Because basing at 2, while more aggressive, is MUCH safer than basing at 1. The plow is safer because your rate of increase or your “slope” of increase is only half as much. Or, just take my word for it.

    I might start with a 1 bet but as soon as I see I’m winning more bets than I’m losing, I go to The Plow. If I’m losing more bets than I’m winning I get the hell out of there quickly and never go back to that table that day.

    Why do we call it The Plow? Because it plows through very nearly all adversity.

    Ellis, do you ever flat bet?

    No, while it has it’s advantages here is the bottom line as far as I’m concerned:

    “Any shoe you win flat betting you win much more with a progression.”

    Therefore, flat betting is only best when you lose. I don’t go there to lose!

    But if you are just learning, I recommend flat betting until you develop some casino savvy – which you will at CFC.

    Do you skip bets?

    No, I play EVERY hand once I start. I’m looking to get out of there with +20 or often +30. BUT, if the shoe is not cooperating – say I’m +10 at hand 54, I’m gone and I never go back to that table. Hey, +10 isn’t so bad. A flat bettor will never hit it!

    A group of 6 players at BTC recommends Flat Betting???

    Right! Like I said, if you are just learning, flat bet!

  2. I think this is a great way to play when you’re learning how to play here. You shouldn’t need more than 12 unit bankroll to shoot for the goal of winning 5 units in the 1st hour. I find that it helps me to relax because I’m not under such great pressure the 1st hour, being that 5 units is normally quite doable with Ellis’ systems when you’re starting out. Once I win that first +5, it’s so much easier to continue and usually I’ll win a lot more in the next hour of play, just like CFC is saying!



  3. You are a direct product of your environment
    “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” – Warren Buffett It’s been said that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. In other words, who you spend time with influences the person you become. If someone is a negative influence on you, then consider severely limiting the energy you spend on them. This can be very hard when it’s a family member or co-worker, but if you want to become the best version of you, ensure you are surrounding yourself with people who help you improve yourself. Have a successful week ! B-) :good: :bye:

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