Laws of Osmosis: The process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc related to gambling.

This process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc related to gambling can be taught through the members…


In regards to progressions I believe the following is a good description: A progression is like a credit card –…

Law of Distraction: CFC

Hello and Greetings fellow Baccarat Aficionados Some things that I came to realize as my talents on the Baccarat Tables…

SAP in relation to Baccarat (SAP helps us hit the Bulls Eye pretty much every-time if not close)

sap (Self Adjusting Progression) To sap something is to drain or deplete something over time. If you sap a maple…

CFC Challenge Workshop…

Hello fellow Baccarat aficionados Ellis would like me to announce a new and rather interesting live workshop proposal to both…

Fear (F@#$% Everything And Run) vs Fear (Foreseeing Everything As Real)

Hello Private Members and Public Members: In this journey that I have been experiencing with Baccarat, I’ve come to the…

Leaks from the Private Forum!

Leaks from the Private Forum! So, we have some members thinking… Why join the private forum now??? There’s nothing important…

After learning what I share on the free public forum

To ALL You Lurkers at this site and ALL Registered Public Members: I know what you may be thinking?  :scratch:…

Attention all newly registered public members! – Ellis

Attention all newly registered free public members! – Ellis As of Oct. 1st, 2015 we will be leading into a new area…

Vegas Report Ellis trip Sep. 18-21st, 2015

Vegas Trip Report Two – 9/18 – Ellis I realize I’m on the public forum here so I’m avoiding play…


This is a quote from Garchen Rinpoche who Robert James was blessed to receive teachings on the Nature of mind…

Will I Win At The Casino Today?

  :unsure: :yahoo: B-)  :good:  :bye:


Life is not about “fear the losing” it’s about “losing the fear”   Struggle only has value if you don’t know… Casino Table Games Books

Amazon Library click here

“The Final Word” combined with our one year support Promo till Sep. 30th, 2015

In reference to my original intent to provide an early bird promo sales campaign for “The Final Word” combined with…

If you plan to never enter a casino or play on line then there is no good reason to invest hard earned money in your Baccarat game.

If you plan to never enter a casino or play on line then there is no good reason to invest…

Everyone MUST have a hard cover 3 ring binder Final Word manual.

Everyone MUST have a hard cover 3 ring binder Final Word manual. Locals (US) I can mail to if desired….

E. Clifton Davis Bio

I see my job: As changing the lives of my students for the better. E. Clifton Davis (Ellis) is the…

How Casinos Unfairly Take Your Money…

First, I would just like to say that I never started out as being a “crusading player advocate”. I’m just…

Ocean’s Ellis (11) Vegas Trip

Hey yall Ellis here letting you all know that I am in Vegas now on a testing mission. I’ll be…

Humans are going to gamble no matter what.

Humans are going to gamble no matter what. You gamble whenever you get in a car or a plane. Farmers…

Welcome to the forum Mission Statement…

E. Clifton Davis here: Welcome to the forum! And a particular welcome to Jerry Patterson and BTC students. I have…

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